Friday, April 7, 2006


I’m feeling really down today. Maybe it’s because Boo is leaving for a week, maybe it’s because my mother once again jumped to the wrong conclusion and mouthed off proving to me that she believes I’m a total idiot and complete incompetent, which just set my day off in fine fashion. Maybe it has to do with the fact that Bo’s dad, who used to be so damned good about paying his child support on time is now giving me the run around every single month and dodging me and making it difficult for me to get the child support from him. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my 12 year old son was going to walk out the door today wearing the same pair of jeans he’s worn every single day this week. This child has drawers full of jeans, and he wears 1 pair, every day and that is just nasty and gross and disgusting. No matter how often I say something I can not get this child to get any sense of hygiene. UGH!

So, while I am desperately looking forward to enjoying my peace and quiet this weekend, I am still kind of down, and bummed and I don’t really know why. Can’t put my finger on it and can’t shake it.

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