Monday, September 12, 2005

I have been truly blessed

I have been truly blessed.

My divorce has been final now for 13 months and some days are still struggles for me.  Some days I still miss the ‘belonging’ to a couple, I miss having someone to share my day with, the work of raising three kids with, the joy of watching the kids grow.  Sometimes I miss having someone to curl up with and cuddle with at night.  

Needless to say, my divorce, like any other, was not easy.  Sure I knew it was the best thing for everyone involved especially me and my children.  But still, after sharing my life with this person for 9 years, it’s not always easy.

At my most difficult time (right when the divorce was finalized after months of waiting on him) my sister made me a CD which she titled ‘A Thousand Women’s Arms’.  Two days later she sent me the following email:

I have been toying with the idea of whether or not I should let you in on the full story right now.  My original plan was not to tell you for quite some time, but things have gotten a little out of control (keep reading, you’ll see what I mean.) so I’ll think I’ll tell you now.

2 weeks ago, I sent out an email to a huge assortment of my woman friends/colleagues/clients/mentors, etc.  This is what it said (cut and pasted directly from the original email.)

‘As you may or may not know, my sister is going through a divorce.  I’m so proud of her for the personal growth she has exhibited and for becoming stronger every single day.  
While she has really come a long way, she still has her moments in the pits of hell, as I’m sure you can imagine.  She has mentioned to me that she longs to become empowered, longs to surround herself with strong women and eliminate the soul sucking aspects of negativity. SOOOOO, I’m making her a CD (or two or three) to get her through the hard time and to party with her during her good times.  Here’s where I need your help.”

She went on to ask everyone she sent the email to, to send her their ‘favorite, woman friendly, empowering, strengthening, inspiring, songs’  along with their ‘favorite I’m gonna sit on the couch and drown myself in chocolate while I bawl my eyes out’ songs.

What she didn’t anticipate was the overwhelming response she received.  It seems that her email got forwarded and forwarded to friends and family, sisters, girlfriends, mothers. Aunts, grandmothers, lovers, you name it.  The response was phenomenal.  Not just in the list of songs she compiled for me, but in requests for the CD she was to make.  

Turns out she made me a wonderful CD, full of songs and artists I’d never heard before, but spoke to my heart, my spirit, my strength.  Even now, a year later, it is still one of my favorites and when things seem to be overwhelming and out of control, I put that CD in and I feel rejuvenated, and empowered, and LOVED.  Love beyond measure, loved beyond description that my sister would reach out to her network of woman and ask them to help her make this gift for me.  And loved beyond measure by women around the world I have never met, who would offer up suggestions for my CD, who by offering suggestions were offering their love and support.  And they didn’t even know me!!  

Thank you Sarah, from the bottom of my heart and soul.  I love you for your love and support through my entire life.  Biology made us sisters, life has made us friends.  I love you more than you could possibly know.

I have been truly blessed.

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