Thursday, December 1, 2005

A short Story

He walked into the restaurant, dressed in black head to toe, looking better than anything found in GQ.  He walked with a confident air, sure of himself, unconcerned by his surroundings, unaware of the effect he had on the women in the room.

She saw him walk through the door; she had been waiting for him.  The sight of him caused her heart to skip a beat and her breath to catch.  He never failed to take her breath away.  She was always a little surprised at how beautiful he was, and that he still wanted her after all this time.

His eyes met hers and instantly his whole face lit up, the smile on his lips came from inside and radiated in his eyes.  To anyone watching them, the chemistry and attraction was instantaneous and undeniable.

The electric current arced and buzzed between them but they were unaware of it, so comfortable with each other and their relationship.  The love they felt for each other created a cocoon around them shutting out everyone else.  There was an ease and comfort to their relationship that came from years together.  

They sat at the bar, catching up on each other’s days, talking about the kids, the usual chatter of a couple who have a shared history and a past together.  Soon enough, the conversation turned to a more serious topic.  She could see the change in his eyes and knew it was coming before he brought it up.  She fought to maintain the smile on her face, and the love in her eyes and voice, but inside her heart was gripped in a panic.  

He told her as gently as he could, he was going away for a while.  She didn’t want to believe it, but she completely understood.  Understanding only made it worse, because she knew he was right.  She loved him even more for making the right decision, no matter how hard it was.

He told her he had wanted to be honest with her, he always had been.  He wanted to make sure she understood what he was asking of her, and maybe of himself too.  The fact was, she understood, almost to well.  Understanding did not make it hurt any less.  But she didn’t cry, she understood, and even put it into words that he couldn’t find.  He promised her that his going away was gone forever.  He would come back, he would miss her, he would always love her, but he felt as if he had no choice in the matter.  She assured him she knew all of that, that she would miss him too, always love him, possibly even more for doing this, and would wait patiently for him to return.

When he kissed her good-bye that night it was with a promise to talk to her soon.  She tried to convey all the love she felt for him without saying a word.  She knew she had to let him go without any pressure to add to the guilt he was already feeling.  The best way to love him, she knew, was to let him go and do the right thing.  He would come back, he loved her, she loved him. Nothing was going to change that.

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