Thursday, November 10, 2005

I dont know much, but I know I love him

I don’t know where things stand with us right now, but I do know that we’ve turned a corner and things have changed.  For the better.  The code of silence has been broken, and the walls have come down.  

I have been granted a second chance.  I’m not going to screw this one up.  I’ve learned my lesson, I have had my eyes opened.  I realize that my past behavior was destroying a lot of relationships that were very important to me.  I have vowed to work very hard at overcoming the past and repairing the damage and not repeat my past mistakes.

I found out last night, that he cares more than he’s willing to admit out loud.  He may not be ready to voice it and put it in words and give it breath, but the love is there.  He may not say it, but I feel it and I know it just the same.  And being wrapped in his arms, is like being wrapped in a warm blanket.  

I believe we’re in each other’s lives for a reason, and we’re not done yet.  Our story is not over.  I don’t know where this is going, I don’t know what the future holds, but I am sure for a while anyway, we’ll find out together.

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