Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Signs of the season in my life

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is on CBS tomorrow night. The first kids Christmas special of the season. My kids are already so excited about it, and I’ve promised to tape it for them so we can watch it over and over again.

Peter’s home! I heard the Folger’s ™ commercial when Peter comes home from college to surprise his family for the holidays. It’s official, Christmas is on it’s way.

The kids are making Christmas lists this year. Unfortunately for them, their lists include a TV, DVD player, a VCR, a computer, and a cell phone.

Newt heard the magical 4-letter ‘S-word’ last night, the weatherman said ‘chance of snow flurries’ and Newt heard ‘Blah Blah Snow blah blah blah’. To Newt ‘SNOW’ = Blizzard. Her disappointment this morning broke my heart.

I have my Christmas CD’s in the car now, and listen to them on my way home from work. I even bought Jessica Simpson’s Christmas CD, which the girls and I LOVE.

Christmas lights and decorations are popping up in windows, on houses, even on grills of tractor trailers on the highways.

Every now and then you get the smell of snow in the air and know it’s not far away. We had flurries last night (Much to Newt’s disappointment – she wanted a blizzard)

The emails and the phone calls are coming at a fast and furious pace ‘What do the kids want for Christmas?’ Since their lists this year seem to be out of everyone’s price range, I have to come up with affordable, gift ideas that the kids will be pleased with and the givers finances will be pleased with.

I start truly truly believing in Santa Claus and wishing and hoping and praying he will bring the gifts the kids want (and I can’t afford) and put then under the tree.

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