Tuesday, April 18, 2006

April showers bring.....Knuckleheads

April showers bring Mayflowers….or so the saying goes.  In my life, April brings Knucklehead 2 back around in my life.

2 years ago, we worked together and knew of each other.  In April, after he had left and found another job, we happened to run into each other, quite by accident, and we started dating.

His job took him away from me, and even though we talked on the phone quite often, he was still gone.  Until April again.  Once again, April last year, he found himself moving back home for yet another job, and back into my life.

This time it was my job that took me away, and we drifted apart, not really losing touch, just not making the effort to stay in touch.  That is, until April this year, when he picked up the phone and called me out of the blue.  

I used to think I loved him, I’m not sure I did.  I care about him, a great deal, but sure it’s not love.  Besides, I have Boo now, and I’m not willing to lose him for Knucklehead 2.  Knucklehead 2 and I are great friends, but that’s all we’re ever going to be.  That’s all we can be.

I’m glad we’re talking again.  I’m glad that he felt that our friendship was strong enough to withstand the distance, emotional distance, between us, even though we are in the same town.  It’s kind of nice to know we can pick up where we left off, (sort of) and know that we’re still friends.


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