Monday, December 11, 2006

News and Tidbits

I am sorry about the silence and lack of posts today, I started a new job today, and it kept me pretty busy. (That and I wasn't even able to get on-line till almost noon!)

So, tomorrow will be a better day.

I do need to make a correction. The 2nd Annual Blog Cookie Exchange will still be held on the 13th, but as Maven pointed out to me, that is Wednesday this week and not Friday! So, I'm hoping all of you checked your calendars and realized I was having a total and complete blonde moment. I will be participating, with lots of pictures from our very own, real life cookie day at my mother's house this weekend.

I promise to make it 'round to all my friends' places this week and drop in to Say Hey to everyone. I have been pretty negligent in that area as of late, and I'm sorry.

And for those of you who chat with me on Yahoo, (and you know who you are) I don't have access to that from here, so if you email me, I'll give you some new contact information!

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